Rochester Minnesota

Criminal Defense & DUI Attorney



Rochester Minnesota Traffic Lawyer

Speeding Violation Defense Attorney Minnesota

Traffic stops for speeding or perhaps an equipment malfunction are the most common way people come into contact with the police. If a speeding ticket is issued, most people just send in a payment without being aware that their conviction will be immediately reported to the Department of Public Safety and will be placed on their driving record. The driving record will be accessed by insurance companies, and that may increase insurance rates for up to 5 years. By the end of the 5 years, the increased insurance costs may total thousands of dollars and far exceed the $100-$150 court fine.

For some people, a speeding ticket on their record may disqualify them from a job, or if they had prior speeding tickets, it may result in the revocation or cancellation of their driver’s license.

One of the main reasons you may find yourself just paying the ticket is to avoid the hassle of going to court, often for multiple appearances. However, it is possible that we could represent you from beginning to end without you ever having to go to court. It is also possible that we can work to keep your conviction from being reported and being accessed by the insurance agencies. Call us before pleading guilty. We can help answer your questions, and if neccessary represent you in Court. Our fees are reasonable and we can usually represent you on a petty misdemeanor speeding charge for a flat fee of $395.00.

To improve your case, remember that you should not answer any questions that are designed to incriminate you. When the police ask, “Do you know why I pulled you over?” – trust me, they already have the information. They are just giving you an opportunity to confess and make the case against you that much stronger. Your reply should be a polite, “I wish to speak to my attorney before I answer any questions,” and then call our law firm. If you have questions about Traffic Violations in Minnesota, please contact our Rochester Minnesota Misdemeanor Defense attorney, to see how we can help.

Traffic Violations Court Process

The traffic court process is divided into:

  • Initial Hearing – Arraignment
  • Trial

Traffic Violations Initial Hearing

At the initial hearing you will be asked to either plead guilty or not guilty. If you choose to plead guilty, the judge will order that you pay a fine and the case will be over. If you plead not guilty, the case will be set for trial at a later date. Most people believe that the hearing date they are given on the ticket is the court trial and that’s where they will get to call the police officer to testify. That is not so. The police officer will not be there for the initial hearing and will only attend if the matter gets set for trial.

Traffic Violations Trial

At the trial, you will have an opportunity to present your evidence and to cross-examine the police officer. On the other hand, you will be cross-examined by the prosecutor. At the end, the judge will decide whether to find you guilty or not guilty.

If you did not give incriminating statements to the police during the stop, the case may turn on a credibility issue between you and the officer. Further, with the help of a Rochester Minnesota Traffic Violations Attorney, you may be able to show that the police did not do certain things they should have done, or that they failed to provide the defense with documentation they should have provided, which may ultimately raise reasonable doubt as to your guilt and therefore allow the court to find you not guilty.  

Common Traffic Violations

We have represented clients in a lot of traffic violation cases. Overall, they will mainly fall under one of these categories:

  • speeding tickets and other moving violations;
  • equipment violations;
  • bus stop violations;
  • juvenile traffic offenses;
  • driving with a suspended/revoked license;
  • driving without insurance;
  • reckless or careless driving, and more.

Out-of-State Traffic Violators

We have represented out-of-state clients who have appreciated the ability to take care of their case without leaving their home state and incurring additional travel expenses. If you received a ticket while traveling through Minnesota, contact us today.

Contact Us Today For a Free Consultation

If you have additional questions about Traffic Violations in Minnesota, please contact the Dilaveri Law Firm today. We always offer free initial consultations to our clients. Call 507.206.6020 or complete our free case evaluation form.


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